Online Classes

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dr. Doo-Lille visits the zoo and "this time tomorrow"

Hmmmm, Michelle, "Lady Bug" was at the zoo, too. (wink wink....)

And Herrad, was, too. Superman and I took her to the zoo with us. :-)

It's all happening at the zoo or wherever YOU are today on this gorgeous day.... Get out and play a little bit or a LOT... Eat a carrot, smile with food in your mouth, shake off rude people, shake your tail feathers, stick your tongue out at life and make a raspberry. Enjoy every second of just being YOU. See ya back here this time tomorrow.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Jammin' this time tomorrow

These jellies are jammin'.... I took this shot of these incredible jelly fish at our local zoo today.... I mean yesterday.... now this will post tomorrow. I mean today.... never mind.... my brain is jelly.

More pix of the zoo adventure tomorrow.... ummm, I mean today... My brain is toast...

Jelly with that toast???? No, thanks... just want my jammies.

Niters... '-)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Squirrels are special yesterday, today and this time tomorrow

I have squirrels, lots of squirrels, that live around me here at the tree house. I wholeheartedly enjoy watching them. I feed them in the winter. Last year, late summer, I almost got to observe a bunch of babies grow up after a mother squirrel gave birth in a planter that hangs off the side of my deck. She nested, and I got to watch her gathering leaves to pad her future home. Sadly, she moved on right after she gave birth. The tree house was too noisy for the nursery I guess.

So now I just take pictures of squirrels passing by, and enjoy their antics as the agile acrobats of the tree world. Below is a picture of a little squirrel that comes to visit my kitty, Opie Taylor. I do mean visit. They eyeball each other through the windows, and this little guy imitates the way Opie hangs out on the overstuffed arms of my couch. Look for yourself....

These two are not the only squirrels I've had pop into my life. I've enjoyed meeting another squirrel, the Squirrel Queen. SQ, as we call her, is one of my friends and follower's of my blog. SQ is a photographer, and that's what drew me to her. Her work is awesome. Her friendship has been awesome. Many of you already know her, but for those of you who do not, you should introduce yourselves to her.

Yesterday she popped in to tell me she had awarded me with "One Very Lovely Blog Award". WOW. I'm a pretty new blogger in the blog world. This award means a lot to me. Just having all of you pop in like you do to read is an award in itself. And the cool thing about awards in the blog world, I'm learning, is that one pass the award along to others after receiving it. Sah-weet!!!!

The rules for sharing this award are different than other awards because instead of just passing it on to just anyone, you are supposed to pass it on to NEW to YOU blogs you've just become familiar with, which is very, very cool! Here are the rules for this Very Lovely award:

1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. You can also make a comment about the person who gave the award to you by asking your readers to stop by their blog, pay them a visit, leave a comment, or even 'follow' their blog if they feel led to.

2) Pass the award on to other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Contact these bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award. Just go to their site and leave a comment to one of their posts telling them you have an award for them and to please come by your blog to get it. Just a little note: You pick the number of blogs to pass the award to, just give it to those you have recently discovered.

A second note, I am not passing this award along as much as I am giving you, my followers, a list of blogs to check out and hopefully follow. I know some of those I have selected may prefer not to participate in this little exercise and that is fine, no problem. Please visit these blogs and if you leave a comment maybe say Lille Diane sent you.

Here are some new peeps I've discovered blogging...

Rain, from Mountain Mamma is quite an inspiration to me. Her story is one of courage, guts and passion to climb back up the mountain of life. And she makes me laugh... Rain and I are going kayaking together some day soon.

MzzLily, has also inspired me. She writes from her heart, and understands my blog reading fetish. I'm happy I'm not the only one hooked on reading about all of you.... She's writing her first book, too.

Herrad, precious, Herrad. I've never experienced anyone who makes me want to live every day with passion as much as Herrad does. She's probably recieved this award 299 times. Let me be the 300th. Stroll with her down the streets of Amsterdam. Send her a hug from me when you stop in to visit her, please.

Snowbrush, has more than enough good stuff to fill several books. When he writes it's like you are sitting on a veranda in the south listening to a master story teller. Snow is my friend. He's honest with me, and we all need a dose of honesty to keep us real--to keep us on our toes.

Tina, at "Yes, that's my child screaming...." need I say more?? She's taking life in stride and has time left over to display her amazing talent with her passion, "twinklescrapbooks". That's amazing right there....

Sharon's Paws Create, is an illustrator and artist. If you enjoy someone who can paint and draw animals and has a joyful spirit, she's got both.

Michelle "Lady Bug", says, "I am not afraid to speak my mind here. Let's face it, everyone has something to say but not everyone is strong enough to actually say it out loud and keeping things bottled up inside is not healthy." I couldn't have said it better.

The song that's playing is for all of you reading. You are special. Thanks for writing the things I love to read, posting the pictures I love to look at, and helping me stay focused to heal. I look forward to discovering more wonderful people in blog land.

Happy trails of discovery everyone...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Today's dreams will eventually become new treasures this time tomorrow...

Last night we celebrated Dylan's Birthday here at the Tree House. Personally, I believe birthdays should be celebrated for an entire month otherwise they wouldn't call it your "Birth Month".... I'm also the girl who believes you should always eat 2 cookies. One for each hand or one for each thigh. It's all about finding the perfect balance in life....

We topped off the evening by starting Dylan's first Dream Board or Vision Board... whatever you choose to call it--it's all about visualizing. I'll show you the process, and how we're designing her new DB (with her permission) as it takes shape. I'm also designing a new one for me, too. It was awesome to watch Dylan playing in the studio, hand-picking which colorful pieces of papers and "pretties" she wanted to adhere to her DB. Had she not had an early flight to Annapolis, I know she would have stayed all night designing her DB.

Below is my current Dream Board. Right now I don't have any material things posted on it. It's more about visualizing how I feel about me, the inner me. Healing, and the love, hope, peace, and joy I want for myself, and other people in my life. These are the things that are important for my personal healing. I'll add some "things", some "stuff", some "fluff" later I'd like to have that are more 3 dimensional; Like what kind of auto I'd like to have, which starlet's skinny butt I wanna have, or pictures of a lakeside home with attached cottage that will be my permanent studio, and which starlet's skinny butt I wanna have.... Ohhhh, wait.... I already wrote that... Maybe I should post it twice on my DB... one wish for each butt cheek to balance the two cookie philosophy I have.....

Top of my Dream Board
I look back on my DB I made almost a year ago. (June 2008) It took me a while to tackle (or allow, believe and RECEIVE) some of the things I put on here. I didn't realize how many things are being birthed right now or have already come to fruition until I really stopped to look at it today.
  • Better breathing (I quit smoking December 14, 2008)
  • I'm writing my book, writing a blog, and finished writing my 101 list. Some call it a bucket list....
  • I'm painting.... not just starting paintings BUT finishing them... Big wow here!!!
Creamy white filling.... the Middle of my Dream Board
This is the part of my DB that makes me a wee bit weepy.
  • "I have the strength to get things done...." a year ago I was paralyzed with fears, weak in every part of my body, in my mind. I'm still working on the mind part.... (OK who chuckled???) Driving is still my biggest challenge but I'm working on it.
  • "I get another chance to live it up..." I added to the original...
  • My Dreams are in full bloom...." I'm still working on this one physically. I have a hard time sleeping, and still need meds. I hate the "needing" meds part. Part of PTSD is not being able to sleep. But I am working on it... Sometimes I feel so guilty that I have to take a medication to sleep. I've tried herbals but for now they are just not strong enough.
  • This also depicts wanting to live my dreams---not just dream about them. HUGE!!! HUGE!!!! HUGE step forward for me!!!
And finally..... the bottom of my Dream Board
See the mailing package on the right? (above the four-leaf clover) That's the envelope a beautiful necklace I ordered from Healing Stones, in New Zealand, came in. I ordered it for Sonja, my fabulous massage therapist (who BTW is working hard to get my muscles back into shape, and break up the scar tissue I developed after the accident) I want to travel to Australia and New Zealand... Who wants a postcard from me from one of those countries????

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cotton candy in a periwinkle blue sky float by this time tomorrow

Take a bite out of this sweet cloud before it floats away.

Monday, May 25, 2009

My grateful heart for the Golden Heart Blog Award to This Time Tomorrow

I fell asleep last night with my puter on my chest, kitty purring next to me, and a smile on my face. I woke up a little while later, drool running down my chin, and a crick in my neck to find it wasn't a dream I had about receiving a blogging award.... I really had. Somebody likes me... They really, really like me.... (So Sally-ish... I know...)

The gift goes on... Receiving an award means you get to award another blogger...

I appreciate the way Rain said it in her posting about how and who she would select to pass the award on to after she received it. Rain's blog is all about courage. It takes a Golden Heart to have courage and self love at the same time. So...

I think I will copy cat her idea, will select "just" one person, and will pass this award to someone who gave me my first glimpse of blogging from a golden heart, Nolly Posh.

I never know what I will find when I stop in to read what Nolly has posted because she posts from her heart--not just to fill space. I've cried with Nolly (her post-poem about her poplar tree is a must read) I've traveled underwater with Nolly, (under the la la la....under the sea.... her post about what she visualizes when she meditates gives your spirit mermaid fins....) I've had a peep out Nolly's windows to see what Australia looks like... I visit Nolly just to hear what tunes she's put on her play list so I can get swept away in her magic selection... She's taught me so much about Aussie musicians and opened my eyes to people I think wrote a song "just for me".... She reminds me when I visit to remember the simple things in life, and the importance of family.

Oh, I could go on and on. Nolly's puter went on the blink for a couple of weeks. It felt like a year or more. I missed her everyday she was gone. I may not have time to comment every day on all of you I follow but I want you to know how much I treasure the friends I've made online here. Even Dylan and Superman, have chatted with me (in person) about the wonderful people they've met that follow my blog. It really is a great big wonderful world out there, and what I've learned from the Nolly Posh's, and literally everyone I pop in to visit listed on my sidebar have blessed me beyond words.

Thank you, again, Rain. Welcome back, Nolly Posh. Hugzzzz to everyone.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The blog award I was given will be given out this time tomorrow to more recipients

The award came from Rain Mountain Mama. It's the Golden Heart Award. I'll post more about it tomorrow and who I'll be sharing it with.

Rain, this is an awesome blog very first. Thank you my dear friend. Be watching tomorrow.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

"Fly Toward the Sky Little Butterfly" today, this time tomorrow, and everyday....

Painting for Dylan.

This is an acrylic, 12 x 12, I painted earlier this week for Dylan, my best friend, for her birthday coming up on May 26th. I wish I could paint my heart to show her how much I love her.

Friday, May 22, 2009

This time tomorrow the lake will be filled with the sites and sounds of summer

This is why I call it the Tree House. The tree grows right up through the deck...or rather they built the deck around the tree but it's more fun to say the tree grew up through my deck. And my world is about fun now. It's my choice.

It's a holiday weekend here in the US. The official start of summer even though it's still spring. Pull out your white shoes. I just cracked myself up....again. Do I even OWN a pair of white shoes??? OH.... yes, I do. My hiking sneakers. Well, in that case I better go put them on. I'm meeting Superman for a walk and dinner.

The lake here at the tree house will be jammin'. I'll have my tunes on. I'll be watching the boats go by. Kayaking, grilling, chilling, and most of all, being grateful to be able to soak it all in. This time last year I was hurtin' for certain. Neck brace, both of my knees to my toes were swollen like watermelons,... I could barely lift my arms to tip a cup to my lips or open a door. I chopped my hair off because I couldn't lift my arms to comb it.

This year I'm painting pictures of poppies, and clouds, and my son, and taking pictures every chance I get. I'm writing that "book" I always said I would "one day"...... I am a new grandma, and lived to see the sweetest baby in the entire world, my precious Emery. I got engaged to Superman. I have 3 new daughters. One is my son's new wife and the other 2 are Superman's daughters. Add one more son, a Marine to the list. How cool is that?? I gained a grandson named Devon, a budding artist. Another grandson on the way--due in July. Two new son-in-laws, and a huge family-in-law.Oh, yes, and a sweet lab-mix named Canaan. I am so very blessed.

How sweet it is to look back, and see how far I've come. I know I have some friends out here in Blog Land who understand exactly how I feel. I salute each and everyone of you for persevering. I borrowed this song that's playing and the next one, Simple Life, from my friend, Nolly Posh.
Enjoy my playlist.

Enjoy your weekend and be safe, everyone.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Poppy Colored Passion is running through mental fields of this time tomorrow

There's another island not far from where I live, and when I was walking down the delightful lanes of summer homes and cottages, I spotted these poppies blazing in the late afternoon sky. I immediately wished I had my camera with me...which usually happens when you witness something spectacular--you don't have your camera with you. My next thought was of Dorothy, Scarecrow, Lion and Tin Man running through the field of poppies to OZ. What a magnificent piece of cinematography that was for that day and age. I went back this morning with my camera.

This bumble bee was enthralled with the poppies as much as I was. Try as we may it's hard to duplicate this kind of majesty. But I'm going to try. I am adding a new series of paintings to my creative to-do list. "Lille Paints Poppies". I never even knew I wanted to paint a poppy until I saw these.

My heartfelt "prayer, mantra, meditation, believing in my bones" is to be awake, open to new ideas, ways of seeing things, and, most of all, trying new things. Until I started seeking my creative side again, I didn't realize how thirsty I was. How bone dry, parched, Sahara sand in my blood veins dry, heart cracked open like an eggshell dry, winter skin dry... did I mention dry?

I feel just like this little bumble bee. Thirsty for life's nectar. Life will let you dive in and drink as much joy as you wish to ingest. You don't even need a straw. Joy begets more joy. Passion begets more passion. Passion is life's shea butter. Rub it on. It will work its way down into your soul. If we could just bottle it.... But then we'd miss the wonderful way it feels when we make the choice to slather passion all over our lives, wouldn't we.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

This Time Tomorrow is having a Pink Moment reflection

I didn't even realize until I stepped back to look at my freshly painted sunset, that the mountains in the background look like my beloved Topa Topa Mountains (Chumash Indian for Pink Moment) in the Ojai Valley of southern CA. There is a huge part of my heart in these mountains. I "now" see it just poked its head up to remind me it's embedded in my thoughts even when I'm not consciously thinking about Ojai, CA.

I moved here to OH about 11 years ago. I love it here. People around here ask me if I lost a bet when they find out I came from CA. "Why would you want to move here?!" I always point out all the wonderful reasons I love it here. Usually they walk away remembering they love OH, too.

For one thing, there's water in the lakes, streams, and it's green here, I mean, really, REALLY green. Not many mountains but living on a lake like I do is beyond a perk. I can step out my door, step into my kayak and just putzzz, miles and miles of what feels like endless lakes to explore. Wow. But I don't consider CA my home even after living there for for over 35 years. It's the Colorado Rockies I will forever have jutting up in my heart like mountain peaks of snow covered love.

Snowbrush wrote a beautiful post yesterday about "returning home". He stirred my memories up in a great way, and made me believe we all must have these inner, emotional attachments--good or bad--to the places we were raised. I cannot say it even with an ounce of the emotion, and grace, Snowbrush put into a series of posts that will "take you back home." He writes from the heart. He is a welcomed friend of mine here in Bloogy Land.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Oh my... wouldn't you want to be here this time tomorrow?

I cut my choices down to 125 from the original 600+ pix I took of this amazing forest but I really can't take credit for something I was not the "original" creator of.... This is where I hiked two days ago with Superman. I was like a little kid in an eye-candy store. I want to go back there tomorrow. Wouldn't you?

Monday, May 18, 2009

It's moments like these that make me happy this time tomorrow rolled around again for me to see

I count when I go up and down stairs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.... each step is counted. Not out loud of course. Inside my head as I take the step. Does anyone else do this when you go up and down stairs?

Gulp... kinda stickin' my undies wayyyyyy out there this time, eh?

"Oh, boy. What if I'm the only one who does this." I gulp again...

I have a thing for numbers. Sequences in numbers. On clocks I see my birthday, my son's birthday, etc. I like watching for sequences like 778877 on a car's odometer. Or 123456. Or 654321... Sequences like these on cars only roll around once. Does anyone else like seeing these sequences on car odometers, too?

I especially loved how they used to click over on older makes of cars. It was like watching little flip cards slowly turn up a new number. You had some time to gear up before such a huge rollover would happen like the one depicted on the photo below. 99,999. One mile before 100,000. (I know you can count...) On a newer models you can easily miss it because our world is digitized.

I took the shots below yesterday on my way to hike with Superman. I'd been waiting for this all important turn of numbers for awhile now. I will only be able to see this occur ONCE on this automobile. Once!

I don't take little things like this for granted any more. Being inside a car has a whole new feeling, a whole new meaning for me now. I drive slower. I probably would have been driving 70 on the freeway when this all important rollover happened. I may have tried to snap a shot of it on my cell phone. Don't get all snooty on me now... Shakin' your head's saying, "I would NEVER DO that..."

To drive to the state park where I did yesterday took all my courage. Driving anywhere takes all my courage. I usually take side roads to go anywhere. In fact, I rarely even get on the freeway. Yesterday I was afraid I'd be distracted looking at my odometer for 100,000 so I drove slowly on the side roads waiting for it to happen. I'm now the kind of driver you may drive past expecting to see a blue haired, really ancient, old lady hunched over the steering wheel. At 20, or 30 or 40 or even 50 years old I would have honked at myself! You know you've honked at people like me before.... (honk-honk) I never used to be this way.... Never. And if you're thinking 50 something is really ancient or old.... Shame on you... 50 rolls around way faster than an odometer...

Life is a sequence. Life is change, and I look at this sequence an entirely different way than I used to.

Here it is. 100,000.... Beautiful, isn't it?

See the partial image of the girl emerging on the left of the picture. She's an important fixture on my dashboard. Some of you have guardian angels, Mother Mary's, crystals, dice, crucifixes, lucky charms, etc., hanging or posted somewhere in your car. Tokens, symbols, meaningful messages to reassure or remind you from time to time that someone, or something, is watching over you. Good luck or God's love....

I call her "Juno Girl". She's my visual super hero. She's my reminder to have faith. While the picture is an image that I found on a wine bottle that's not why I have it (her) on my dash. You can find the artist who painted her here.

Hear me when I say I am not promoting drinking and driving in any manner, shape or form! REPEAT: Do NOT drink and drive!

It's her smile. It's her attitude. It's my reminder to loosen my grip on the steering wheel.... To relax my shoulders. To tell myself (for the 4,389 time) "Those people in the lane next to me are NOT bad drivers about to hit me." I am safe. I'm OK.

I'm grateful to be gripping a steering wheel in spite of my constantly white knuckles. But at times, well, in fact... most of the time... I'm taking it one mile at a time on the freeway. Mustering up courage to expand my miles beyond my house. To get up and go out the door. To get back on the road of life. To treasure my daily business---from waking up--to going to sleep. I was given another chance to make a list of 101 things I want to do and NOW go out and get to do them. To smile like this pretty girl in the picture. The gift of being able to say thank you for my family, my friends and tell them I love them.

And having another chance to see things like the turning of the odometer to 100,001.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

G'night all. See you well before this time tomorrow--maybe earlier

Superman and I are waving to ya'll.
And since we do have shadows you know we aren't Peter Pan and Tinker Bell.

Lots of great pics and posts coming this week. I took nearly 600 shots today. Only the cream of the crop will be posted.

Peace out, peeps.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

This is how I want to feel today, this time tomorrow and forever more....

This painting, Ecstasy, is by Maxfield Parrish. It has been my favorite painting by him for over 30 years. Well, it's my favorite painting period.

I have this print in my kitchen--it rests in a prime spot so I can view it repeatedly throughout the day, and evening. It was a gift from Dylan, my BFF. I often stand, and just stare at this painting. I pose like the girl. I close my eyes, lace my fingers on the back of my head and press my elbows, my chest up toward the cobalt blue sky inhaling the mountain air. I can feel the breeze tossing my hair and lifting my muslin frock like a kite tail. If you've ever had flying dreams you'll understand when I say its this moment right before take-off this picture depicts.

It's these clouds, and the way Max (I'm taking the liberty to call him Max only cuz I've fantasized about being his muse for years...) painted these clouds that have made me want to paint clouds.

This next week I'll get back to work on my painting lessons with Tim Gagnon. I've been procrastinating. Working to pump muh-self up. Playing the theme song to Rocky. Flexing my muscles.... well, more like the girl in the picture than Rocky but saying, "Argghhhhh" as I do. In fact, I'm temporarily moving this picture into my studio with the sole purpose of standing on the mountain top to pull those clouds down from the sky onto my canvas.

I'd previously posted I'd show you my before, during and after painting's of my lessons with Tim. I wienied out. (No bad pun intended for any Doxie's like Chloe. Or Doxie lovers like Jessica. Sowwy) Up in my header I mention the fine line between perfectionism and procrastination. Well, that's the line I'm teetering on here. My previous attempts to paint clouds like Tim does and Max did... well.... pffffttt. I'm spitting it out.... "SUCKED!" LOL

Dang that felt much better just saying it. Rocky made 4 movies. Each one had trials and tribulations. Moments of defeat then glory. I'm glory bound. I'm determined. I'm ready to run some laps all ova my studio.

Sah-weeeeet-sassy-molassy! I'm gonna try now.... Gonna fly now!!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

It looks like it's going to be a fabulous weekend! I'll be kayaking again this time tomorrow.

I can walk down the road towards my dreams... or not. I choose to walk, run, stumble, crawl, roll or spread my wings and fly. But right now I'm going kayaking...

Kayaking was something I discovered I wanted to try after I first moved to the lake. The first year I lived here I was too busy with work to do much of anything. Except work. I put it off just like I had most "fun" or creative things in my life. Last year my world collided with what I thought was a tragedy. I see now it was a miracle.

I put a picture of a kayak on my vision board last year. I was still in physical therapy and still in a great deal of pain after the auto accident. I am so proud of myself for making myself do this. Making myself??? Yes, I was terrified to get out there on the water the first time. But then after the accident that almost took my life, I realized it would be more terrifying not to do all the wonderful things I put off doing. Now you can't coax me to get out of my kayak.

I feel so small out there on my kayak yet so powerfully strong. I still weep happy tears of, "Oh yes, I can!!!" when I'm out there on the water.

Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time;
it is a regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.
Sydney J Harris

Thursday, May 14, 2009

TO-DOOOOOOO!!! This Time Tomorrow blows the finished trumpet!!!! Kinda like ta-daaaaa only better...

Here it is... the finished painting of my son, Jake.... Big sigh. Happy Happy Joy Joy

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Muskrat Love is in full bloom on the island...soon this time tomorrow will be posting baby pictures

From the deck at the Tree House you can see the smaller island off of my island. Behind the pine tree is the bridge that connects the two islands. To the right of the island you can see a tree branch sticking up like the hand on a clock announcing it's 2:00 o'clock. Right below that is where my story will begin...but not quite yet.
There's a cabin that's been on the small island since 1949 but has had no children laughing or playing on the large stage-like porches that wrap around three sides of its wooden face in a very long time. A swing hangs from a tall tree and glides to and fro slightly when the breeze catches it just right. The ghosts of summer's past laugh and chat under a huge covered pavilion with a cozy fire pit surrounded by chairs whose vinyl seat cushions have long ago reached a lighter shade of pale. They match the weather worn picnic tables that could easily seat 12-20. No one has sat in these chairs for a very, very long time. Yet, under the dust, and between the cobwebs linking the arms of each chair, I hear singing, crackling fires, and can smell the distinct caramelized aroma of marshmallows roasting. I see fireflies dancing in the shadows while children lie under sleeping bags on the boat dock counting stars.

I see Family. I feel Love. I sense the Magic of childhood. I cradle Memories--someone's memories--perhaps they are just my own conjuring up of ghosts from imagined happy childhoods. But I am not alone in how I feel. People I've taken to the island can feel it too. They sense, like me, that it once was a magical island because it was loved. It's abandoned now--or nearly so. I've only seen one person, a young woman about 18-20, come to the island last summer to watch the fire works you can see so well from here on the 4th of July. I imagine she was one of the children of one of the children--of one of children that make the chain of generations that played there.

I love this little neglected island. I feel protective of it. I soak up the ghosts that live there like they were my own family. On some days, I stand in the swing and remember what it's like to be small, and yet so tall, when you grab the rope handles and push your feet to the sky. I've longed to feel and see the small island being loved again. My wish came true.

I was walking by the window the other afternoon and looked over to see the swath of a bright green "something" cutting through the water at a pretty fast clip. I did a double take. Then I saw his little head under the feathers of green. It was Mr. Muskrat. He was swimming as fast as he could, head held high above the water. I swear it reminded me of Dumbo, the elephant, carrying his magic feather--this parade of one small creature collecting greens. That's him below carrying a plume of hostas from my neighbor's garden back to his burrow. This activity went on for several days. Back and forth, and back and forth. He grabbed lilacs branches (the lower ones), a few sprigs of lavender or leaves from hosta plants; then he'd jump back into the water and swim to his fortress at the edge of the small island where the tree branch says it's 2:00 o'clock. That's him on the bottom left of the photo below nearing the entrance to his home.

It's here he dives under the water to the entry of his fort. This leads me to explain why there's such a commotion, such a steady parade of activity off the small island. The back and forth, the gathering frenzy... I am quite thrilled to introduce you to Mrs. Muskrat. I just spotted her a few days ago sitting at the garden's edge as if she were pointing to what she was hungry for so the Mr. could bring it home for her. I think she's having distinct cravings. Hence, the lilac, lavender and hostas... This is her below. She stays underwater mostly--popping up now and then to peek at what the Mr. is doing.
There's new life on the island. A story is unfolding. Magic is in the air. Babies will be swimming, diving and I suppose laughing as they frolic in the water. Laughter is back on the island. At least from up here in the Tree House it certainly is. From where I'm perched high in the trees, I can see a wonderland out my window. I'll be watching for the first baby so I can snap a shot of it. They can have 8-10 babies. Oh, I cannot wait!

What a perfect place to raise a family...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

This Time Tomorrow is playing tag...

I've been tagged by Jodi at Creager Studios

She makes some of the coolest dolls I've ever seen. My mouth fell open in amazement the first time I looked at her blog and saw her work. She and Hubby's creations are unbelievable, detailed, whimsical works of art! Plus, she is a hoot to read.

These are the rules for the 'Tag'
(for the six... count em'... 6 Peeps.... See who's listed at the bottom of this post. If it's "you" that's been tagged you can accept the tag or not. No pressure)

1)Name and link back to the person who tagged you.

2)List six things 6 (un) important things that make you happy.

3)Tag 6 bloggers and let them know they're it by leaving them a comment on their blog.

So here are happy little tidbits that make me happy.

  • Wiener Dogs... yes, I love those lonnnnnng, short to the ground, wiggling from snout to tail dogs Gary Larson named a book about, "Wiener Dog Art" and drew multiple cartoons depicting because they look like cartoon kinda dogs.
  • Talking to people standing behind me--or in front of me--in the check out line at the store.
  • The smell of rain on hot pavement
  • Stopping on road trips whenever, wherever and for whatever I want because I'm the grown-up now and can honor my child heart to pull over whether or not I have to go the bathroom.
  • Corn dogs at the fair loaded with mustard
  • Skinny mirrors in fitting rooms
Now here are the 6 bloggers I am gonna chase, tag and proudly say, "You're it!!!"

Jessica (and Chloe) at Chloe the Doxie Love Pop in to wish Chloe a Happy Birthday. She is cuter than you can imagine!
Steve at My Dog Ate Art Steve makes me wanna get up and dance. And he keeps my inner child artist spunky as a lil monkey....
Tina at Yes, That's My Child Screaming Lots of great ideas here. I fell in love with the name of Tina's blog and had to stalk her.
Rain at RainCrow Galleries Rain has a healing touch to her work and you can feel it just looking at her paintings.
James at Windows to the Words This blog is a place where creatives can meet, mingle and merge. Fabulous!
Jeanine at Gemini Moon Mosaics Oh, Nostalgia City! Funky and fun! Groovy stuff! Peace, out.... you'll see what I mean when you get there....

I could never have guessed I'd be sitting here this time tomorrow posting pictures of a pair of nesting Eagles and their babies I took yesterday in OH

Yesterday as I stood on the road side looking at this wondrously, majestic site, I got chills--goose bumps the size of walnuts. I have never (EVER) watched something so breathtaking in my life. A nest made of branches, not twigs and grass, nestled in the tree tops with two baby eaglets inside. The mother swooped in with a fresh catch in her talons; the babies heads popping up like bunnies out of a rabbit hole.

Next the father came in with another morsel for his hungry brood. You can see the shot I tried to get of him, the blurry one. I was nervously watching, waiting for him to come in. Some bystanders who'd been there a couple of hours gave us the low-down of what to expect. Every 45-60 minutes one or both parents fly back to the nest with food for their babies. They carefully stand over them shredding the kill and feeding it to them. It happened fast, him flying out of nowhere, wings spread wide to catch the perfect down draft to land, that I could barely breathe--let alone shoot the magnificent site.

What an amazing world we live in.

This is the Mother right after she fed her babies.

She's watching her mate to come back to the nest.

This is the daddy, food in claw-talon.

They feed the babies together.


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