I have squirrels, lots of squirrels, that live around me here at the tree house. I wholeheartedly enjoy watching them. I feed them in the winter. Last year, late summer, I almost got to observe a bunch of babies grow up after a mother squirrel gave birth in a planter that hangs off the side of my deck. She nested, and I got to watch her gathering leaves to pad her future home. Sadly, she moved on right after she gave birth. The tree house was too noisy for the nursery I guess.

So now I just take pictures of squirrels passing by, and enjoy their antics as the agile acrobats of the tree world. Below is a picture of a little squirrel that comes to visit my kitty, Opie Taylor. I do mean visit. They eyeball each other through the windows, and this little guy imitates the way Opie hangs out on the overstuffed arms of my couch. Look for yourself....

These two are not the only squirrels I've had pop into my life. I've enjoyed meeting another squirrel, the
Squirrel Queen. SQ, as we call her, is one of my friends and follower's of my blog. SQ is a photographer, and that's what drew me to her. Her work is awesome. Her friendship has been awesome. Many of you already know her, but for those of you who do not, you should introduce yourselves to her.
Yesterday she popped in to tell me she had awarded me with "One Very Lovely Blog Award". WOW. I'm a pretty new blogger in the blog world. This award means a lot to me. Just having all of you pop in like you do to read is an award in itself. And the cool thing about awards in the blog world, I'm learning, is that one pass the award along to others after receiving it. Sah-weet!!!!

The rules for sharing this award are different than other awards because instead of just passing it on to just anyone, you are supposed to pass it on to
NEW to
YOU blogs you've just become familiar with, which is very, very cool! Here are the rules for this Very Lovely award:
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. You can also make a comment about the person who gave the award to you by asking your readers to stop by their blog, pay them a visit, leave a comment, or even 'follow' their blog if they feel led to.
2) Pass the award on to other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Contact these bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award. Just go to their site and leave a comment to one of their posts telling them you have an award for them and to please come by your blog to get it. Just a little note: You pick the number of blogs to pass the award to, just give it to those you have recently discovered.
A second note, I am not passing this award along as much as I am giving you, my followers, a list of blogs to check out and hopefully follow.
I know some of those I have selected may prefer not to participate in this little exercise and that is fine, no problem. Please visit these blogs and if you leave a comment maybe say Lille Diane sent you.
Here are some new peeps I've discovered blogging...
Rain, from
Mountain Mamma is quite an inspiration to me. Her story is one of courage, guts and passion to climb back up the mountain of life. And she makes me laugh... Rain and I are going kayaking together some day soon.
MzzLily, has also inspired me. She writes from her heart, and understands my blog reading fetish. I'm happy I'm not the only one hooked on reading about all of you.... She's writing her first book, too.
Herrad, precious, Herrad. I've never experienced anyone who makes me want to live every day with passion as much as Herrad does. She's probably recieved this award 299 times. Let me be the 300th. Stroll with her down the streets of Amsterdam. Send her a hug from me when you stop in to visit her, please.
Snowbrush, has more than enough good stuff to fill several books. When he writes it's like you are sitting on a veranda in the south listening to a master story teller. Snow is my friend. He's honest with me, and we all need a dose of honesty to keep us real--to keep us on our toes.
Tina, at "Yes, that's my child screaming...." need I say more?? She's taking life in stride and has time left over to display her amazing talent with her passion, "twinklescrapbooks". That's amazing right there....
Sharon's Paws Create, is an illustrator and artist. If you enjoy someone who can paint and draw animals and has a joyful spirit, she's got both.
Michelle "Lady Bug", says, "I am not afraid to speak my mind here. Let's face it, everyone has something to say but not everyone is strong enough to actually say it out loud and keeping things bottled up inside is not healthy." I couldn't have said it better.
The song that's playing is for all of you reading. You are special. Thanks for writing the things I love to read, posting the pictures I love to look at, and helping me stay focused to heal. I look forward to discovering more wonderful people in blog land.
Happy trails of discovery everyone...