Take your pic Nolly.
Nolly Posh said the eyes have it. They are the windows to the soul. I have doodled eyes since I was a wee one, painted eyes, photographed eyes, and have for a long time loved cropping them to show the inner twinkle. So when Nolly challenged us on her May 3 blog (in a fun way) to "post your ~ windows to the soul~" I had to jump on it!!! Take a peek at her peepers....
These are my eyes. Sometimes they looked dawg tired, sometimes ornery, sometimes they looked glazed (with or without wine) sometimes they reflect the little girl in me, or the sorrow of a 1000 heartaches. Rarely, very rarely they can scorch you if you get my protective side up and are messin' with someone I love. I'd like to think I have pixie eyes. Sparkly, baby blue-green eyes that smile. I want them to reflect love, peace, laughter, hope and kindness.
More than anything I want to use my eyes to look deep inside me. Nolly has some great posts on meditation if you take a moment to read her blog. Nolly has a way of calming me just reading her wonderfully written words. She continually reminds me everything will be OK. She's not even writing specifically to me--she's just writing the words that pour out of her heart.
I have some mighty fine people I follow listed on the side of my blog page. I have discovered a wealth of wisdom within the blog world. I have made some new friends here. Thank you all who read my pages and are cheering me on to the finish line of completing my 101 List of fabulous things to do in my fantastic life. I'll be adding the complete 101 list (as soon as I figure out how to post in on a side column... baby blogger here) and will keep adding more as I check those off the list.
Love the eyes... as you can see by my 'close in' self portraits in B&W , eyes are one of my fav subjects... fun stuff!! You layout is very artistic....
I told you we were litter mates.... hehe You are a huge inspiration to me as well. Thank you.