I met the new tenant that's moving into the tree house. Superman and I stopped over to pick up the last of some things I had stored in the garage there.
"Oh you're going to love what they've done to the place." Superman said, twinkle in his eyes, and a huge smile on his face.
I was crushed. How could he boast on "their" behalf. Even if it was an upgrade from what I'd done there, he didn't have to rub it in.... snivel, snivel, snivel. THEN.... I remembered he was smirking. Hmmmmmm.... Now I was curious.
It didn't take long to see what he meant. Inside the entry way was a large, and I do mean
LARGE dog kennel. Inside the kennel was a German Sheppard pup well on his way to becoming a
LARGE pooch. His name is Chewy... Hmmmmm.....

I could already hear Opie snickering when I relayed the news.
We finished loading the remainder of the items so Superman suggested I knock on the door to say hello, and see what else "new and exciting" was going on in the tree house. Then I realized I'd already met the young man when he came to tour it as a possible rental about a 3 weeks ago. Nice kid.
"Hello! It's me, Lille." I found it odd knocking on "my" door and
realized when I stepped inside...
it was no longer the "tree house".
"Come on up!" Dave yelled. I walked up the stairs to find Dave and another young man, beers in hand, drilling holes in the walls for his new behemoth surround sound for his killer stereo unit. Plaster dust covered the hardwood floor, the floor I had agonized over leaving perfectly shined. Industrial sized cable was strung from the rafters, and draped over the 18' stone fireplace top. The sub-woofer was bigger than my TV. I wondered if he liked Rap or Heavy Metal. Every corner had hooks strategically placed for some bad-ass speakers.
WOW! This kid is serious about his tunes I thought.... I envisioned the squirrels head banging in the tree tops, and my old neighbors below me....... Well, I became concerned of course! What will it sound like below the tree house... music reverberating the walls, the floors. Those poor, poor people.... They just moved in and now they will have to put up with a 22 year old's first time living away from his parents.... oh my.
His main items of furniture---well actually I didn't see any furniture. Just a few paintings and lots, and lots of beer signs, and painted pub signs. He wants to hang them all over the fireplace, and walls throughout the tree house. Hey, the guy at least has some "art" to hang. Perfect! Maybe he will have some extra speaker wire to hang his boxers off the tree house to a tree below. Hey, that could attract some girls--you just never know...
Below me in the stair well I heard the pup whining, and then wondered what his Big Foot sized feet would sound like on the hardwood floors. That pup looked like he could use some room to romp. "Chewy".... I wondered why he named him "chewy".... after Chewbacca from Star Wars, probably. Certainly not because he may chew on anything not nailed down or metal. I wondered what if he barks when his Master is gone or every time someone knocks on the door, or pulls in the driveway... Oh my mind went wild with the "what-ifs" Poor, poor people underneath the tree house.
I couldn't help notice Dave must have been a football player in high school, and may not be so light on his feet. I wondered if I should tell him the people's bedroom below him is directly under his kitchen... Nah.... They won't care if he slams a few cupboards, or that the floor squeaks just as loud at 2:00 PM as it does at 2:00 AM... Nor will they say anything if he happens to "score" a chick and she spends the night...floors creaking rhythmically, and squeals of ecstasy clear as a bell. Don't you just love apartment living? Sharing so much with each other?? Making memories together.
It will be a give, and take, neighborly bond they'll create. The people below will smoke up Dave's apartment, and he will rock them back to sleep at 3:00 AM by playing some tunes for them. The neighbors below will cook cabbage on hot days, and Dave's pup will leave a hot, steaming coil on the lawn near their stairs as a personalized thank you. It will be perfect. For Everyone! This made me happy. Peace in the Hood again~
Dave seemed so genuinely thrilled to be living "large" on the lake, and all the possible perks this new found lifestyle could have on attracting girls, and party opportunities, and such....
I decided he needed a little house warming gift.I'd been given a small refrigerator, perfect for holding an extra case or two of beer. I was going to take it to the new place but decided in a moment of giddiness, and relief that the tree house had been rented to a motivated, testosterone filled, excitable man-child,
THAT HE should have the frig for a back-up to keep more beer cold. A suave bachelor needs to keep his bases loaded. His eyes got huge when I told him, and I knew I'd hit a soft spot when I heard him say, "I love the way you think!! I'll put it out on the deck so we can grab a beer when we're sitting out there! Sweet!" Yes, sweet... he took the words right out of my mouth......

Well, what could I say? Hey, I was just trying to do my part to make sure there is peace, and harmony, a festive environment for one and all who live there. My parting gift. Did my parting smile appear a wee bit smirk-like? Maybe... maybe not...
I couldn't help notice a river-like stream of fluid outside the front door, and also splashed all over a tree. Hmmmm, did they empty a cooler? Then I smelled a distinct odor. Dog Urine. Oh my.... What if he relieved himself on the neighbors front walkway... Tsk...tsk.. tsk... Well, maybe it could help mask the cabbage cooking marathons. But it's not my problem any more. Smirk you ask? Noooooo. Just your imagination...
I drove off into the sunset and realized the Tree House no longer existed there. It rode off with me into the future, forever in my heart, as a special part of my life that uniquely belongs to me and those I shared it with. I'm erecting a monument here at the new place that honors what was, and what wondrous things are yet to be. Oh yes, I'm smiling alright~~~ I'm totally smiling!
For my new reader's... go back a month or so to catch up on why I left the Tree House. For my wonderful, faithful, friends, and followers. PLEASE JUMP STRAIGHT TO THE COMMENT BOX! It will be like Christmas reading your comments! Oh Baby!