Each one of us are
miracles in the making, and sometimes, we are gifted unexpectedly by becoming
the recipient of a miracle, or two, or four or more, like I've experienced
during the last two years. You know it must be a pretty BIG miracle that occured to
bring me out of hiding from social media or blogging. This is where most folks
apologize for slacking about not blogging regularly but I won't because I'll be
catching you up to speed on ALL the other miracles that
have happened since my last post. I'll spill the rest of the juicy news here
soon, but for now let's focus on what JUST happened that nudged me to finally begin
blogging again and filled my heart with a completeness I’ve never experienced
before until now.
Last Saturday at this time, I had 4 brothers and 2 brothers, including my foster family...then everything literally changed overnight. After 40+ years of searching for siblings I'd been told existed but was never told how many, although I'd been told there could be a quite a few, I finally found a clue online that had never surfaced before--EVER! The next morning a link suddenly popped up "out of nowhere" showing another person out there looking for my dad--OUR dad! He had information only a true family member would have known. This only meant one thing--that I had finally found a brother--MY brother! I was in too much shock to notice a second brother had also responded to the brother I'd just found.
By Sunday night, I found the later of the two brothers mentioned above which is when, and why, I logged back into FaceBook from an 8+ month sabbatical from social media. Then I found his wife, and next another sister, and another brother, and then... Well folks, this could go on for a while announcing each one of them in this manner, so please allow me to enthusiastically tell the entire world... DRUM ROLL PLEASE! I have 3 more sisters and 6 more brothers! I am beyond blessed! As my dear friend, Bob, told me, "Now you have enough family to make a baseball team." And I do, omgosh, I certainly do!
I cried like a baby and walked around in a daze for days. I still am. While I have not communicated with most of them, I have been welcomed with open hearts by my brother, Larry, his precious wife, Kim, and my sister, Sissy. I am content to have found them and will continue to love them from afar just like I've always have. My heart is open should they feel the desire to get to know me. My heart has been open to them since I was 10 years old and found out there were others. It's surreal looking at their faces in pictures and seeing bits of me look back with the same eyes, dimples, hairlines, chins, noses... It's my family looking back at me. Then hearing my brother, Larry, tell me he loves me for the first time. It feels like I'm in a Hallmark freaking movie!
Me and my brother, Larry, around the same age.
I'm only going to share one piece of our private story with you in order to protect their privacy, as well as my own. This sweet nugget made me break down and cry the sweetest tears I've ever cried other than when I gave birth to my sons. You may remember, or not, that my father was an extremely talented musician that played with 50's country music icons Johnny Horton, Hank Snow and Hank Williams SR. My son, Jake, and I have inherited his musical gifts which has been the best gift he could have given us. All of my newly found siblings are related to me by my (our) father so can you imagine the depths of my bliss when I found out many of them are musicians, too?! Goodness gracious how that makes me shout out loud with a great big, "YES!"
One day, soon I hope, we will all get to meet each other, get to know each other and make sweet music together. There's no sweeter sound than that of family's voices harmonizing together. Nothing compares to that perfect blend of genes blending into one voice. In the meantime, I feel complete just knowing they are alive, well loved, and especially, that they love each other. My prayers have been answered.
When miracles find you, share them with the world because when you share your miracles you give hope to those who are still awaiting their special miracle to arrive. Keep believing. Keep your hope burning like a wildfire in your heart because it's worth mentioning the link that suddenly turned up last week was from 2002. It wasn't until 2005 that my brother, Larry, responded to the brother who wrote the original inquiry--and it would be another long 14 years until I unearthed what I found last weekend. I'm so grateful I followed the strong prompting that day to dig back into the search of finding my brothers and sisters.
If that's you waiting for your miracle, it may take time for all the perfect ingredients to line up to become the perfect celebratory cake for you, and those you love, to partake in. Be patient because synchronicity is happening at this very moment conspiring to bring you just what you need. Believe it. Your miracle is on its way all you have to do is keep on believing. Focus on what you want, and not what you don't want.
"Thoughts become things. Choose good ones." ~ Mike Dooley
Thank you for being here so I could share my story and my happiness with you. Before you go, would you please share your dream, wish, hope with us so we can stand beside you with heartfelt agreement that you, and yours. are on the brink of a big, happy, over-the-top, glorious miracle finding its way to you, too. Please feel free to share this post with others needing a faith lift.