Online Classes

Friday, August 21, 2009

A Love Letter in My Mailbox

I found this in my mail this morning. I believe it was yet another green light from the Universe/God/Higher Power I am right on course. All is well.....

On this day of your life, Lille, I believe God wants you to know...

....that obstacles are not opposing you, but merely and

gently re-routing you.

It is important not to view that which stands in your

way as your 'enemy.' It can often be your best friend,

sending you on a detour that takes you around what

could have been your biggest stumbling block.

Send a word of gratitude, then, for anything that seems

to be 'opposing' you now. All things in life happen for

good. Trust God about that.

Love, Your Friend....

Thank you, Nolly Posh, my precious friend down under who often guides me by her peaceful, loving examples of who I want to be spiritually when I grow up. Her recent post led me to discover another road map to help me find my way to become that person. If times allows, please read other posts Nolly has written. You'll feel her love, sense her sincerity and will be inspired by her ability to sparkle like a ray of sunshine in spite of personal health challenges that seek to cloud her world with discouragement. She is every bit the most courageous woman you'd ever want to meet.

More info below about Neale's best selling book.

The N.Y. Times Bestseller
When Everything Changes, Change Everything:
In a Time of Turmoil, a Pathway to Peace

By Neale Donald Walsch

"A dear one has died. Or a romantic relationship has ended. Or a job that was once going to be your career has just evaporated. Or your child has left home. Or you've moved to a new town. Or you're suddenly facing a health crisis, or a financial crisis, or a crisis of faith . . .

. . . whatever the circumstance, you are sure about one thing: Nothing will ever be the same.

Deep sadness, even bitter negativity, can sometimes follow. What to do then? End the life you've been living? Yes. That's the startling answer from modern-day spiritual messenger Neale Donald Walsch in a book that will touch the lives of people around the world with the same uplifting hopefulness as his Conversations with God.

When Everything Changes, Change Everything speaks to the heart of every person who has lost their bearings in the aftermath of a major life change—and to those who would help them. A strikingly clear, imminently and immediately useful text, it offers God-inspired insights on the way to move on and a breathtaking reason to do so. Here is a practical application of the fresh perspectives of the New Spirituality, with wonderful tools for healing and living and a brand-new definition of God that could make every mystery of life clear up overnight."

~~~Excerpt from Neale's website


  1. A lot of gems here! Very encouraging and true. Thank you!

  2. Thanks for this post Lily, what a beautiful treat you shared! There is nothing better than 'good' mail, except for GREAT mail. I will certainly take your advise and check out Nolly's blog.
    I think everyone should read this :)
    hugs, Lisa

  3. wise words, Lille. You peed on em yet? ~rick

  4. Awwwwwhhhhh now you've gone and made me cry! ~Love you~ too my lovely bloggy friend x

    ...and as you said ~Green lights~ my dear friend just as is this post of yours is for me (((hugs))) <3

  5. I have the 'Conversation with God' books. Have you read this one? Glad you're feeling better about the upcoming 'CHANGE'! I'm missing you.

  6. The thing about detours is that yu see things you never planned on seeing and it is in viewing the unexpected that we often times see the most interesting portions of a world we were once barely aware of. travel light and well.

  7. Lily, I have to tell you: Thank you! For all. You are a special person.
    PS: Re-routing, that's the WORD!
    I wish you a nice day, Italo.

  8. I loved Neale Walsch's- Conversations with God. I love it when everything is in sync and I know I'm on the right path. I will have to visit your blog buddy Nolly Posh. Glad to hear all is well, Woodstock Lily. <3

  9. Thank you for reminding me of what I knew previously and introducing me to a great new blog.

  10. I have always believ ed that if you are doing what you are supposed toe be doing, as in following the right path for you, then everything that happens helps you along the way.

  11. Indeed, it is a time of dramatic change for you, having to leave your beloved treehouse. I wish you well, and I miss having you come around my blog.

  12. It's great to get surprises like that isn't it!... smile to you!

  13. Wow!! The universe certaily knows YOUR address!! BTW I have not forgotten about our project - just been swamped. Will get on with it!

  14. Hmmm... The e-universe seems to have gently detoured my last comment;)

    Just dropping by. I must find out more about that book. It would seem to be helpful to many I know that are standing in the spot right now.

  15. ~~~Cats...
    I love surprises! It's change I have trouble with... LOL I'm working on it!
    Now when can I expect that autographed Watercats CD to arrive??? Cannot wait!!! remember I am your official PR & assistant photographer!! :-)

    No worries, my friend. Our gifts to each other will cross the oceans at the exact time they should. I am just happy to know we are sharing a very cool moment in time by creating something unique for each other...

    Yikes... where'd it go???? I'll go peek in my dashboard. I thought i saw another one from you, too. Then poof....

    Did you click on the link to Neale's site? I want to get his first one, too. Conversations with God. I'll email you later sweet lily to catch you up on the hill house.
    Hugzzzz and love~~~

  16. ~~~Hello everyone...
    Blogger ate my comments back to all of you except the last 5 of you... Oh dear... I don't have time now to re-type everything I wrote.

    But know I am thrilled you are checking out Nolly's blog!!! Some of you have already been there, and some have signed on to follow her, too. Thank you so much.

    ~~~Nolly... My angel in earthly wings. I adore you! You have kept me swimming upstream through some pretty rough waters. I knew you had been there before me & had left life jackets and nourishment along the way for me so I would keep swimming ahead. Thank you, my dear friend~~thank you~~

    ~~Rick...LOL no I didn't but I had some naughty thoughts. Like wishing a herd/pack of squirrels would come along & jump in her granny panties like they were trampolines. Then they would carry the assorted bras and panties off like trophies to hang as flags over their nests... or use as sling shots to knock nuts outta the trees... or use as hammocks outside their nests... or simply soil them as they climbed over the rope holding them up....

    Yikes... I think I unleashed some crap right there. I must have been holding onto a wee bit of anger. hehehehehe

    ~~~Thanks again, everyone, I'll be over to see you all soon.



Thanks for stopping by Woodstock Lily! Leave a comment and I'll reply as soon as I can~


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