Online Classes

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hope Rocks Starts Today! Week 1

After you watch the video, sign up on the Mr. Linky below. Leave me a comment after you sign up. I'll be posting pictures of places I hide my Hope Rocks and will feature people here on my blog that play along. Make sure you link back to me on your posts for Hope Rocks!

Make sure you get your Hope Rocks posts up before next Thursday. Each Thursday we'll start a new round of Hope Rocks. Please let your friends know how we're spreading Hope at Woodstock Lily's.

Thank you all for participating!

You can read more about Hope Rocks on my links under my header above titled "Hope Rocks"! Plus there's some pictures of a few of my rocks I've painted to help give you ideas.


  1. It's such a wonderful idea! I think God meant for you to find that rock. If I can get off the farm, I will do the hope rock. If not now, then later. I just love it!

    btw... Sadie went crazy looking for Wonder Dog!

  2. Love you girlfriend. We are warriors who make lemonade out of lemons. Hugs hon,

  3. I LOVE this idea! You are so sweet in your video. I like placing a voice and a face with the pictures and words I read on your blog. I'd love to join in the HOPE ROCKS fun! So I guess I sign up through Mr. Linky after I make my post about my hope rock?? Or do I sign up now? Sorry, I'm just not sure. But I do look forward to joining spreading hope, I could use a little myself.

  4. Lily, Thank you!!! I know you will add some spice to Hope Rocks, and will inspire us all in the clever ways you'll come up with to make em' and take em' to their future owners. Too cool for school, you are! LOL about Sadie!! I can just see her!

  5. Keri, YOU are the Queen of making Lemonade outta dirt! I draw lots of inspiration from you and my "girls" you made me hanging on my studio wall! XX

  6. Sweet, Artsy-Fartsy! Sign up now!! That will show peeps you are on board and will even bring them to your blog to look around. Plus, email me or make a comment on my blog after you post your pics & I will come take a peek, and make a link back to you in one of the Thursday Hope Rocks posts.

    Thank you so much! I love seeing a face and hearing a voice, too. It helps me know the person better, and "hear" them when I read their posts.

    Thanks for responding back. Go add your sweet name to Mr. Linky! XXXXXXXXX YOU!

  7. I did it! I've got my name on there so I guess I did it right! :) Yay!

  8. Still collecting rocks...I really need to figure out how to add about 5 more hours to my day! :)

    Also - I got your lovely, lovely cards in the mail! I had forgotten all about them so they were a wonderful surprise! I have something that will be headed your way in a day or two. ;)


  9. I'm in. I've got them painted. Great timing too. T.H & I are leaving for Jamaica on Sat. If any place on earth could use some hope, they could. I'll try to post from there, but haven't mastered it with my iPad yet. I'm so excited to be doing this with all of you. Terah

  10. Tera, Thank you for joining in H.R's! When you find that extra 5 hours will you at least share 2.5 with me? LOL I LOVE snail mail!!! I'll be like a kid all week looking for it~ I'm happy you love your cards. I am grateful to have you as a friend & a follower. PS Opie said Purrrrrrrrr~

  11. Ah! You are so stinkin' cute!! I'm signed up and can't wait to start taking pictures and leaving my little hope rocks everywhere!! :) I'll come back and share my post when it goes up. :):)

  12. ps. I wrote you a poem last night when I couldn't sleep.

  13. Hi Lille Diane,
    I'm a bit late, but I have my hope rocks. I plan on spreading them around next week. I will be at the hospital, the animal clinic, shopping centre...etc. I can't wait to spread the hope. I love this idea!
    I'm posting a picture on my latest post on my blog and linking back to you.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. Your little video brought tears to my eyes as i have so been wanting to make a difference lately and as you know my health has been getting in the way a bit lately... So Thankyou Dearest Friend for giving me this small way of making (you never know) a big difference to someone else (((Hugs))) ~Love You~ xox

  15. Woohoo! Look at all the folks signed up! I'll be back to do that after I get my rocks ready. (Why does that sound...?) Anyway, I think this will take off like 'pay it forward'! It's an awesome idea. It's so simple, yet it could mean so much.

    I'm so proud to call you Sis!

  16. Saw your blog for the first time today but want to join in right away. It's such a lovely idea, and I can't wait to start paiting some rocks!

  17. Lille D,
    Rockin with hope over here, love to play. xoxox

  18. OMGoodness, I am in tears. Happy ones to see so many of you playing along. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for becoming Hope Rocks Stars!! I will place you each on the Hope Rocks Wall of Fame. Would someone get me a Kleenex?? I can't see my puter screen for all the happy tears falling from my eyes!!

  19. Hi Lille, do you mind if I provide a link to your site here on my Facebook profile. I think this is a fabulous initiative. My uni assignment that I've been working hard on over Christmas is being handed in tomorrow so I'm hoping it will be fine this weekend so that I can get to the beach and find my pebbles so that I can start 'rockin'. I will take photos while I'm there :) Stay well beautiful YOU. xxx

  20. I love this idea. I would sign up, but being housebound in Fargo I don't get out much. I might be able to leave a couple of hope rocks during the year, but it would likely be in the summer. A couple is better than none, tho. This is a wonderful idea. I am glad you picked up and ran with it! :)

  21. Just checking in to say I haven't forgotten - I'm on the case. I have a University deadline to meet but I am very keen to find the 'right rocks. I'm still carrying my hope rock in my pocket. I hug it every morning in the palm of my hand :) Sending you huge love big sis :)


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