Online Classes

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Theme Song in the Works

Tera from Olive Hue Designs wrote an amazing poem for Hope Rocks! Seriously, it Rocks!! So much so, I'm working on some music to turn it into a theme song for Hope Rocks. My goal is to make a video of me singing it. First up though, is getting over this flu crud that walloped me in my chest and sinuses. Everyone tells me it can take up to 4 weeks to get rid of it. Now that is simply NOT acceptable! I vote for an immediate kick to the curb!

Please go read her amazing poem & take a look at her art while you're there. Did I tell you she is an amazing artist & one of her pieces was just selected to be published this year in a new book called, "100 Illustrations". Congratulations, Tera!!!

Click HERE To Check her out.

If any of you have seen the sunshine, would you please ask it to come visit northern OH for an hour or two? Please? Pretty please?? I just want to wear my sunglasses and be dazzled by its brilliance for a little while. Anybody else feel the same way?

PS I removed a bunch of my widgets that may have been making it hard for my blog to load on a lot of people's puters. I'm sorry I didn't do this sooner. Those widgets can be an addiction to add more & more stuff to your site. Let me know if it's better now, OK?


  1. Yay! I'm so glad you like it. :)
    Thanks for the linky love, too.
    I hope you get to feeling better soon (much sooner than 4 weeks!) I know it's a hanger on, we had it here for several weeks, too. I sure wish someone would come out with a magical "flu B gone"! Ha!

  2. Ooo... I have to go check it out! Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

  3. Hi! I received a "Stylish Bloggers Award" and I'm passing it on to you.
    Check back to my blog to see how you can pass it on and receive the logo.
    I chose your blog because I enjoy reading it and think others should too.
    Happy blogging!

  4. Hi Lille,
    I wandered in here from Andrea at Falling Ladies. I'm part of the OWOH blog event and I'm so glad I found your very cool blog!

    I look forward to visiting again. And hope the sun shines for you soon. We get plenty here in Colorado! Sunglasses are a year around accessory.

    Take care~Debi

  5. Hi, I love your Hope rocks!! So cool!! Hope Rocks!!! Thanks for your nice comment on my blog, you Rock! Peace ~ Sasa

  6. Hee! Hee! i did the same... a bloggy ~Spring clean~ X:-)


Thanks for stopping by Woodstock Lily! Leave a comment and I'll reply as soon as I can~


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