Online Classes

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I'm Marrying Superman

Yes... It's true. I'm marrying Superman. On September 25. How could I say no to someone who has loved me as deeply, as sincerely, as sweetly, and as completely has he has loved me? I cannot. My family and friends will agree I'm making a wonderful choice. He is a Super Hero to all who meet him.

In preparation for the BiG event we've been doing some remodeling at The Fortress. (Superman's abode) The first thing we did was to redo his beautiful sun room and turn it into my studio. I'm sitting here now watching the sun's last wisps of warmth settle into the west through some gigantic windows. The view is relaxing, lush, private and serene. This is a dream come true in every way. [before and after pics coming soon]

I have Wonder Dog sleeping at my feet and Opie Taylor (errrrr I meant to say Opie Wan Kenobe) is watching the last few birds eating from the Fortress bird feeder. With that sweet note... I'll say, "Goodnight, dear ones..."


  1. Sweet!! Ditto on the well wishes :)

  2. Congratulations ~~ We expect a running comentary on the procedings.


  3. Wow! Great news!

    Congratulations! We are happy for you and the Super guy!

    "Happiness is a feeling that becomes a memory. once one recognizes that the feeling is worth more than the memory,
    one can always find it again."

    All the best to you!


  4. Congratulations!!!!!!

    Sigh- Fall weddings are where it's AT (says another fall wedding bride!).

    Many Blessings to you and Superman on your beautiful Journey!

    Can't wait to hear more about the plans :)


  5. Aww! Congrats! What fantastic news, I wish you two all the happiness in the world! :)

  6. Congratulations, you deserve all the happiness in the world!

  7. I had read that little piece of news on Facebook. Congratulations!

  8. Superman is SUPER! We adore him and think you make a great couple. Now, I'm going to try to think of a suitable wedding gift...

    Mr J and I couldn't be happier for you!

  9. 3 Cheers for Superman and great friends! I will keep you abreast of the happenings. Thank you all.

  10. Woo hoo! Congratulations!!! You are so blessed and wow, I can't wait to hear more about this and more about your creativity, expressed, due to this love, love, love being made into a marraige, marraige, marraige!

    Check out my CED2010 Weekly Check in here!

  11. Congratulations! Is he always Superman? Or is he Clark Kent sometimes too?

  12. Wooo Hooo!!! That is exciting news!!

    When can we expect our invitations?

  13. Ain't love grand?! Congratulations! We want to see photos!!!!

  14. i wish you love~LoVe~LOVE!!! <3 <3 <3
    Always xox


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