Online Classes

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Here's my new music video, featuring a rendition of 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow', I sang with Alan Thornhill playing guitar. The video was produced by Andy Lowe, the dafthermit from the wee, black bus in the Highlands of Scotland. You can check out his blog here, "Living A Simple Green Life" after you listen to the song.

Ummmm... You ARE gonna listen to it--right?

Wait till you see the part in the video where they have me hanging precariously from a hot air balloon, 800 feet above this amazing glen full of velvet tufts of lavender, cascading like waterfalls down the lush green hillsides--precisely at sunset. I don't know how I managed to lip sync on cue but I did!


I have a quick question.

Will my nose grow if I embellished the part about it being "Eighttttttttttttttttttttt HuNdReD feeeeeeeeeeeet in the air"?


How about the part where I said "I don't know how I managed to lip sync on cue but I did!"?

I didn't really. I had to do a bunch of re-takes. It was very stressful syncing my lips in 100 MPH gusts of wind.

Awwww... never mind. Forget I even mentioned it.

Just enjoy~ Then head on over to the wee, black bus. Andy and Mel will show you around.


  1. well pinocchio, lol... that was lovely. Couldn't see the balloon for your nose xx

  2. You couldn't???? Oh my... Well did you see the part where Andy did a jig on the tall bridge??? Oh wait, that was in another video. He's quite light on his wee feet. Honest. No really, honest. He is. Sprite like. Uh-huh. No really. Ask him.

  3. mmm... it was in the one with the leprachauns caught on camera painting gold coins wasn't it? them lil guys are usually sooo camera shy. what talented friends you have!!

  4. What a wonderful blog Lille...Love all of the understated hippy creative-ness.

  5. Oh yeah, those balloon shots were AMAZING ;)

    I'm always a sucker for anything related to the Highlands and a good song.

    Very lovely and creative!

    xo Lis (coming over from CED)

  6. I love your music video and your voice is really beautiful! I am listerning to you sing as i craft! Beautiful moment! SO gald i came to visit you here! Have a lovely merry happy week and love to you!

  7. You know, I know there are some people out there who like their music "clean" (aka "boring") but I like that we can hear the fingers-on-fret noises and your little breath sounds. I much prefer this to over produces and sterile music. It's really a lovely rendition. And I love that you share you music with us! :)


Thanks for stopping by Woodstock Lily! Leave a comment and I'll reply as soon as I can~


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